Rail services in Sussex could have a new operator when the current franchise expires.

Southern Trains has operated services across the region since 2001 but in September next year the contract is due for renewal.

The South Central franchise covers commuter services from Sussex and Surrey to London and along the South Coast from Eastbourne to Southampton.

While the franchisee operates the trains and most station facilities, they are not responsible for operating or updating the track.

The Department for Transport (DfT) will start a formal consultation in May and tenders are expected later in the year.

The DfT has been working with customer group Passenger Focus which has advised on the priorities for South Central customers.

Yesterday, the DfT consulted the Joint Downland Area Committee, made up of county, town and parish councillors, on what it thought the priorities should be.

Sharon Hedges, passenger focus manager for South Central, said "Our primary objective is to ensure that those things that are most important to passengers are included in the franchise specification.

"It's absolutely clear to us that capacity is going to the big agenda for this franchise.

"Peak time trains can be incredibly busy and offer standing room only and sometimes people can't get on to the trains at all. Delivering enough trains to meet that demand will be key."

Mrs Hedges said that when asked what they would like from their railway, Southern passengers requested later evening services and enhanced weekend services along with improved travel information.

She said Southern had delivered "a lot" in the course of its franchise, such as new trains.

Mrs Hedges added that as potentially lucrative rail franchises are rare, competition would be fierce.

A Southern spokesman said it was too early to talk about the new South Central franchise as the DfT has not yet published the specification for it but confirmed Southern would be interested in retaining it.

He said: "It's almost impossible to talk about aspirations at this stage."