Jenny Wilkins' actions trying to free an elephant in Dieppe port may have been foolhardy (The Argus, March 27), but her concern for wild animals in French circuses is understandable.

What is not widely known is the presence of wild animals, including an elephant, in circuses in Britain. Despite new animal welfare legislation in England, Wales and Scotland and the ongoing concern for the welfare of these animals, our Government seems set on allowing the use of wild animals to continue. The anachronistic and heartbreaking spectacle of animals such as elephants and big cats being transported repeatedly around the country and housed in inadequate environments in the name of entertainment will continue in this country, unless MPs and ministers can be urged to see sense.

Britain should lead by example and end this practice as a priority.

  • Chris Draper, Born Free Foundation, Foundry Lane, Horsham

The stupidity of Jenny Wilkins in trying to free an elephant in Dieppe is beyond belief (The Argus, March 27). Not only did she put herself in danger but if the elephant had got loose it could have harmed other people and property. I've been up close to an elephant and know how dangerous they are.

The peril is even greater if the animal is in a distressed state.

Elephants are wild animals, not pets.

  • Ron Odgers, Hove Street, Hove