As a retired taxi driver, I was stunned to hear that at a Worthing Borough Council meeting on Wednesday a decision was made by the licensing committee to delimit the amount of taxi plates in the town.

This is totally unnecessary and I believe the councillors who sit on this committee have no idea of what goes on in the taxi trade.

The only information they act on is fed to them by the hackney carriage officer who when he was appointed a few years ago appeared determined to delimit the number of plates.

Throughout the country many councils, in much larger towns than Worthing, found that delimitation caused a much poorer service due to drivers not earning sufficient to keep their vehicles to the standard which is required.

These councils have now reimposed a taxi limit, the latest one being Sheffield City Council. More taxis in the town centre means more congestion, more pollution and for no logical reason as past surveys have shown there is no surplus demand in the town.

By removing the restrictions the council is sending a message encouraging people to take up the option of a taxi plate, leading them to believe they will be able to earn a living after investing a sizeable sum in a vehicle.

The truth of the matter is they will be sadly disappointed when they realise the earning potential. However, the hackney carriage office will still receive extra licence fees as a result of the new regulations.

  • Gordon Hayes, Hillrise Avenue, Worthing