When he calls for more affordable housing, has G Pumfrey not been following Brighton and Hove City Council's efforts to allow developers to build luxury apartments at Brighton Marina and the King Alfred, which includes such housing (Letters, March 27)?

The King Alfred site is on a flood plain and the Brighton Marina flats will be either in the sea or on madeup land below high-water mark.

The greenbelt land north of the bypass, which Gordon Brown has given councils permission to use, would make safe and reasonably priced affordable homes suitable for families but of course would not be so profitable for developers as a seafront position.

On March 20 the council gave the green light to developers to destroy our sea and beachfront environment, enjoyed at the moment by all and to reserve its wonders for the privileged wealthy few.

Such is modern socialism under Gordon Brown.

  • Pamela Brickman, Marine Drive, Brighton