Yet again, Christians are getting it in the neck because of what we believe in. In this increasingly intolerant society, we are expected to sit back and bite the bullet.

I refer to the comments from WJ McIlroy (Letters, March 27) who refers to Easter as one of the many spring festivals. Yes, it is a celebration of spring and a wonderful time of year but saying it would be "more enjoyable if we were spared Christian images of crosses and crowns of thorns" is typical of people who haven't a clue why this festival is so important to Christians all over the world.

I don't tell everyone that I'm a "God botherer" but it upsets me when people who don't believe knock Christian traditions.

If you don't like what you see, WJ McIlroy, then look the other way.

  • Georgina Ward, Balcombe Avenue, Worthing