Sarah Lewis's article about the exploitation of workers in poor countries sent shockwaves into my wardrobe (The Argus, March 22).

Only the previous day I had read in The Independent of allegations that part of the Gap chain relies on cheap Indian labour where labourers are paid 15p an hour.

I did not know that cotton workers were dying from blood poisoning from the use of pesticides in order to give us cheap jeans.

Lou Taylor, the ethical stylist is correct in my case saying that women only wear 20 per cent of their clothes.

In retrospect I wish I had bought more expensive organic fair-traded ones, despite them being more expensive and being able to buy less of them instead of being a slave to fashion.

People surviving on jobseekers allowance or incapacity benefits have to find the most economical clothes.

Perhaps there is an opportunity for a charity shop selling second-hand organic, fair-traded items.

  • Carole Irvine, South Coast Road, Peacehaven