Two hundred lucky ticket holders welcomed pianist Krystian Belliere to the packed studio on Saturday.

Presenting a programme of short Romantic pieces, starting with Beethoven's Sonata in E flat, Belliere captivated his audience from the moment he strode into the room.

Continuing the Romantic theme, complex works by Schumann and Liszt were brilliantly performed, with equal measures of power and sensitivity.

Despite lighting problems and one concert-goer's humming, the crowd remained mesmerised throughout the recital, which ended with the invigorating and demonic Mephisto Waltz No 1.

Enthusiastic applause encouraged Belliere to return to the piano for what he described as a "cool-off" piece - an arrangement of George Gershwin's The Man I Love, which provided a schmaltzy ending to what was otherwise a virtuoso performance.