Brighton and Hove City Council is currently promoting children cycling to school (The Argus, March 24). I have been cycling almost daily in Brighton for nearly 25 years but I would never be happy about my children cycling to school or college.

My experience has taught me that about 50 per cent of car drivers don't give you enough room when they pass - a frightening experience for those new to cycling. And while less than one in a hundred drivers is downright dangerous, this is enough to make a near miss almost a daily occurrence.

Spending a lot of money on two or three high profile cycle lanes, plus a bit of white paint to direct cyclists on to pavements, will not change the reality of our dangerous roads.

The only solution is to massively reduce car use in our city. This could be done simply. Public transport should be returned to the control of the local electorate and massively subsidised to make it free.

Congestion charging technology could be used to keep all non-essential drivers out of the city centre. Speed limits could be reduced by 10mph for private vehicles and drivers who cause accidents should be barred for life.

The current policies of ineffectual cycle routes, expensive bus fares and the toleration of bikes on pavements and dangerous driving merely makes cyclists, pedestrians, bus users and car drivers hostile to each other.

In the meantime, my children will continue to walk everywhere and most people will stay in their cars.

  • Dave Jones, Springfield Road, Brighton