Varndean College currently uses its fine building as its logo on all its publicity material, presumably because it is proud of the history and quality of the buildings. However, the college now proposes to demolish it and replace it with a new building on the same site.

It is said the new building will be sustainable but in construction one of the major savings for carbon emissions is to use existing buildings.

The current college building is well constructed with substantial brick walls, ideal for insulation.

With some imagination the internal layout could be remodelled to meet the needs of an expanding college.

Bhasvic, the other sixth form college in the city, is currently planning to remodel its facilities based on retaining a substantial part of the existing buildings.

Varndean has a great asset in its current buildings, particularly the facade and the dramatic cloisters which are visible across the London Road valley. It should make every effort to retain its present buildings. Complete demolition would be disruptive to the provision of further education across the city.

Such works would presumably result in students having to be housed for at least two years in temporary classrooms or relocated to empty office blocks in other parts of the city.

Such additional costs would surely make the proposals uneconomic as well as providing a poor educational experience for students.

Varndean College is an historic part of the education provision in Brighton and the southern building is a high-quality iconic building. The college should reassess its proposals and come up with some alternative ideas that do not necessitate the complete destruction of such a fine building.

  • Selma Montford, hon secretary, The Brighton Society