Hans Lobstein stated that South East Water and Southern Water were planning to build a new reservoir in the middle of the Downs, ten miles from Brighton (Letters, March 6).

South East Water is carrying out initial investigations into the possibility of building new reservoirs at Clay Hill, near Ringmer, and at Broad Oak, near Canterbury in Kent. Neither proposal involves Southern Water.

However, all water companies in Britain have recently submitted their draft water resources management plans to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

The plans set out how companies propose to ensure they can provide water to customers over the next 25 years, taking into consideration factors such as housing growth, climate change, energy use, the environment and cost, using measures such as metering and leakage control.

Some companies may consider new reservoirs and desalination to provide future resources. However, any such proposals will be included in companies' water resources management plans. These plans will be put out for a 12-week public consultation period some time in late April or early May.

Please visit Southern Water's website www.southernwater.co.uk for more information in due course.

  • Meyrick Gough, Water Strategy Planning Manager, Southern Water