Taxi drivers were put through their paces in the name of a good cause at the annual Taxi Driver of the Year competition.

More than 35 cabbies dodged and weaved their cars through the slalom course on Madeira Drive yesterday to see who is Brighton and Hove's top taxi driver for 2008.

The event raises thousands of pounds annually for The Argus Appeal and was hailed this year as the best ever.

Tony King, of sponsors Westminster Taxi Insurance, said the winner would be unveiled at the prize giving dinner on April 7 at the Metropole Hotel.

Drivers had to take on the slalom course, as well as demonstrate their geographical expertise.

Mr King said: "We have three categories. There is the driving skills test as well as a test of their knowledge and the presentation of their cab. It covers everything a good cabbie should have."

This is the third time the Taxi Driver of the Year has been held.

Mr King said he was pleased to see the event growing in stature and popularity with drivers and members of the public.

He said: "There is always a great atmosphere. Everyone comes together with Hackney cab drivers and private hire. It is a great example of everyone working together and that is one of the most satisfying parts.

"We had more drivers take part than last year and from our point of view it has been a big success.

"It is a bit of fun and it is a way to enhance taxi drivers' reputation as often they get a bad wrap."

First prize for the best taxi driver is £1,500 and second prize is £1,000.

Drivers started tackling the slalom course from 10am yesterday and the competition continued until 3pm.

Mr King said: "Hopefully as many drivers will come along to the Metropole when we will be announcing the winner as well as how much we have raised for The Argus Appeal."

He thanked staff from Brighton and Hove City Council's licensing department who took part in the competition as judges.

He said: "It shows everyone has got involved and it isn't just cabbies judging cabbies."

Mr King said he was already looking forward to next year's event when he hoped even more drivers would take part.

He said: "The problem is that we can't get a fixed day as we have to do it when we can. It all depends when Easter falls and when Madeira Drive is free as we can close that, so it is ideal."