Britain's number one Royal watcher is celebrating her silver jubilee after 25 years of following the Queen.

Julia McCarthy-Fox has travelled to every corner of the country and around the world for a hobby she says is no different from following a favourite football club.

She said: "Some people think I'm a nut but I bet they don't knock those who watch Liverpool or Manchester United everywhere they play."

Her devotion has seen her travel 500,000 miles and she has seen the Queen no fewer than 2,000 times.

Julia, 42, of Southwater, near Horsham, has taken photographs on each of her trips and to mark her quarter century of devotion, she is planning a book to include shots from her massive collection of 60,000 prints.

Her pictures have been exhibited at Windsor Castle and Royal Ascot, and even the Queen has an album of Julia's work.

Julia's interest started at the age of seven when she first saw the Queen at the South of England Show at Ardingly.

She said: "I'm a royalist anyway but I've always been someone who likes to see things for myself and to take photographs to show that I had actually been there."

Giving birth to her son Zachary, now 11, didn't stop her and just 17 days after he arrived, she and baby were in the crowd to see the Queen at Windsor. It was then that her mother Jean started joining the excursions - so that someone could hold the baby while Julia took pictures.

Julia is part of an elite group of 30-strong dedicated royalists who are always in the front row whenever the Queen goes walkabout.

She has even travelled to the United States, Germany and Malta, and her face in the crowd has become so familiar that the Queen often spots her and stops to chat.

The monarch even shares the occasional joke with her. During the Queen and Prince Philip's 60th wedding anniversary trip to Malta last year, she spotted Julia and quipped: "Fancy seeing you here." Later, in Milton Keynes, the Queen turned to Julia and asked: "Did you enjoy your holiday in Malta?"

The Queen is also aware that flowers she is presented with come from the family's back garden.

On a visit to Stafford, Staffordshire, the Queen received a posy from Zachary and she asked him were they from his garden. When he said yes, the Queen said: "Now there's a surprise."

On one occasion at Sandringham, a young Zachary decided he wasn't giving up his posy to the Queen this time, despite the monarch offering to exchange them for another bunch she was holding.

Julia said: "Zacharay was adamant and ran off saying me got flowers'. The Queen roared with laughter."

Julia has seen every member of the Royal family and had a particular soft spot for the late Queen Mother. When Zachary was a babe in arms he once reached out and tried to grab the Queen Mother's jewelled brooch.

Julia recalled the Queen Mother laughing and saying: "Children do so love emeralds, don't they?"

The highlight of Julia's dedication came in 2002 when the Queen celebrated her Golden Jubilee with a tour criss-crossing the country.

Julia travelled 13,900 miles between May and July that year as she followed the Queen to every location.

Julia said: "I know some people think I'm mad but the Queen is a beautiful woman and I love seeing her.

"It's a labour of love."