A father-of-two who discovered water with miraculous healing properties in his back garden is set to make millions.

David Pursglove, 64, discovered the ancient natural spring in his garden in Eastbourne Road, Uckfield, 11 years ago.

He said a dream told him treasure lay beneath the tree.

He has been selling the bottled water since in a Del Boy-style business, but after clinical tests confirmed the water's properties were "jaw-dropping", his sales increased six-fold.

Grateful users of the water flood his website every day, extolling the virtues of the magic liquid.

Mr Pursglove at first refused to believe the water possessed other-worldly powers until scientific tests confirmed the case earlier this year.

Since then he has been the centre of attention with appearances on prime time television, including the Richard and Judy show.

Mr Pursglove said: "One day long after I am dead and gone it will make a fortune but it's just beginning take off in a direction I had never envisaged.

"I struggle to accept it myself so hadn't pushed it down the health route. I used to laugh, it sounds ludicrous, a ridiculous story.

"But some of the things I get told by people who have tried this water is amazing and brings a tear to your eye."

The source is a very small natural mineral water spring, about two metres below ground.

The first sample was tested in 1998 and Mr Pursglove was told it was clear spring water. He was denied planning permission for a bottling plant for four years by Wealden District Council.

The retired interior designer did not give up though and sold his Rolls Royce car, house and land to pay legal fees.

He was granted planning permission in 2002 and the following year sold shares to raise the £45,000 needed to drill through the rock.

Mr Pursglove sells the water for £1 a litre. He currently sells around 600 litres a week but anticipates demand will rocket. He claims the water can cure illnesses including migraines, arthritis, high blood pressure, asbestosis and diabetes.

For more information about the miracle water visit www.peartreewell.co.uk.

Have you tried the water? Tell us your experiences below.