I was interested to read WJ McIlroy's comments about how he found the crucifixion scene which was re-enacted in Bevendean disturbing (Letters, March 27). For Christians, this is the whole point in recalling the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. It should disturb us and remind us what the human race is capable of doing to each other.

As Bishop John of Chichester said in a sermon at All Saints, Hove, recently: "There would be something profoundly wrong if we did not care about the abuse of human rights in Tibet, Darfur or Guantanamo Bay, if we were indifferent to the care of the disabled, the terminally ill or the unborn or if we were careless about the environment future generations will inherit."

If we are thus disturbed in the state of our world, what of hope?

For Christians, this is in the resurrection of Jesus. That is what Easter is about.

Easter joy in an empty cross and and empty tomb, with the capability of using our gifts to change the world through love. As the bishop also said: "Ours is no airy-fairy spirituality, but the religion of the resurrection of which the empty tomb is the most potent symbol."

As far as I am concerned this is a message of hope for ever and for everyone.

  • Michael Maine, Beacon Road, Ditchling