The spread of resident parking bays looks set to continue like a plague on Brighton and Hove (The Argus, March 21).

Even though demand for a parking space in parts of the city outstrips supply, in other places there are more spaces than cars.

What has happened, though, is that instead of addressing the shortages where they occur, the council has made our heavilytaxed residents and visitors stump up even more money on top of road tax and fuel duty.

This just pushes the parking problems of a small area further out as many drivers seek to avoid the restrictions either for cost reasons or because it's not practical to keep moving their car - and in doing so adding to pollution - throughout the working day.

Many bays are resident-only and are empty for long spells. In reality they should be free.

Enforcement is also a problem and seems to be turning increasing numbers of people against their own council.

I used to commute by train from Hove station. Now I drive to London as the cost of parking and the train are similar to the cost of driving.

  • D Woods, Portland Road, Hove