When one-year-old Harry Arnold spilled boiling tea on his face, his parents panicked and froze.

But quick-thinking older brother Thomas knew exactly what to do. The five-year-old picked up the phone and dialled 999 for an ambulance.

Thomas' calm response meant no time was wasted in getting help for his brother. Yesterday he was praised by his mother, Stephanie.

She said: "I'm just so proud of him. He's a really good little boy and he's proved to be the most sensible out of all of us."

The family returned from a party and were about to sit down for a cup of tea when Harry grabbed his father's mug of tea. Stephanie. 31, of Greenacres, in Shoreham, said: "It went completely over the right side of his face and ear. I went into panic mode and started shouting. I poured cold water on his face. But then I saw his skin starting to peel".

Harry's father, Anthony, froze in fear. It was not until Thomas dialled 999 that he came round and took the phone from his son.

Harry was rushed to Worthing hospital before being sent to the burns unit at Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead.

Stephanie said: "Luckily the burns have healed amazingly. I'm so pleased with Thomas. He knew what to do because his school had recently had a visit from the fire brigade. He's also very mature for his age."