Russian students are flocking to Brighton and Hove to take advantage of a British education.

The number of applications from Russian students to Bellerbys College, in Billinton Way, Brighton, is growing faster than any other nationality, according to enrolment figures released by Study Group International, which runs the college.

January enrolment figures for Russian students increased by 21 per cent from last year and they now form the second largest part of the college's entire student body, behind Chinese students.

Brighton-based James Pitman, managing director of Study Group UK, said: "Following the recent closure of the British Council offices in Russia, fears of a weakening relationship between British and Russian education sectors have been widespread.

"I'm delighted that these results show such concerns to be unfounded, and that the enthusiasm of Russian students for the gold standard education the UK offers has, if anything, increased."

He added: "Even the tightening of the application process for student visas in Russia has failed to have an adverse affect on applications, and we look forward to welcoming an ever increasing enrolment base from this part of the world."

The college provides courses including GCSEs, A-levels and specifically designed foundation courses for international students wanting to study at English-speaking universities.

It also offers English language courses.

Nikolai Kudashov, 22, from Tyumen, Russia, studied at Bellerbys College, gaining three grade As and one B at A-level, after one year of study. He is now studying economics and statistics at University College London.

He said: "The standards of education here in the UK are far higher than in Russia and the levels of study are much higher.

"In Russia we have less choice and study a broader range of subjects. I am delighted to be able to specialise in economics at such a well respected UK university."

Mr Kudashov hopes to embark on an investment banking career in London, before returning to Russia in the future.