A married couple who worked for a council for more than 60 years between them have taken a well-earned retirement.

Clive and Lillian Layton, of Norfolk Gardens, Littlehampton, will leave Arun District Council today.

Mr Layton, who became Arun's oldest employee when he turned 80 in May last year, first started work for the council in its parks and green space section in 1978.

Since than he has held a number of roles, including positions in the building management department.

Most recently he worked part-time maintaining car parks and looking after recycling, waking up at 4.40am every day for his four-hour shift.

He said: "I am sad to go, and will miss everybody that I have worked with. Thank you to everyone who has made my time here a happy and very memorable one."

Lillian has also worked in various roles for the council for the last three decades and was last employed as a cleaner at the Civic Centre in Littlehampton.

She said: "I will miss my job, but have decided to retire while I have still got a spring in my step.

"Thank you to everybody at the council for always greeting me with a smile and stopping for a chat."

As if 60 years of dedication were not enough the Laytons have also clocked up an impressive 83 years of service if two members of their extended family are also taken into account.

Clive's niece Maria Blows, a clerical assistant, has worked for Arun for nine years and his nephew Kevin Beacher has worked in its finance department for 14 years.

In July last year, Clive was presented with an engraved decanter and a bottle of whisky for becoming the council's oldest employee.

He also received a rousing standing ovation from council members.

Ian Sumnall, Arun's chief executive, said: "We will all be extremely sad to see Clive and Lillian leave the council as they are both such wonderful people.

"People like Clive and Lillian are often the unsung heroes in large organisations such as these and they deserve to be recognised for the important jobs they do.

"If anyone deserves a wellearned rest and some peace and quiet it is these two, but they will be sorely missed by us all."