More than 100 MGs will line up on the castle's lower lawns on Sunday. Visitors will be able to chat to the owners and see how the model developed through the 20th Century, from the 1920s Bullnose and Flatnose through to the Midgets and MGBs of the 1970s.

One of Britain's best-loved car marques, the MG was first produced in 1924 and became one of the world's defining roadsters over the next 50 years.

Its name derives from Morris Garages, a dealer of the cars in Oxford which began to produce its own customized versions of the mostly two-seater sports cars. Marked with a distinctive octagonal logo, they became popular abroad as well in Britain.

Although the William Morris factory closed in 1980, branches of the MG Car Club have kept the legend alive with regular events.

Admission to the rally will be included in the normal entrance price.

  • 10am-5pm, last admission 4pm. Adults £13, senior citizens and NUS £10.50, children (aged 5-16 years) £7.50. Family ticket (two adults and up to five children aged 5-16 years) £34. Call 01903 882173 or visit