Sisters who went through the heartbreak of losing two mothers to cancer have helped set up a support group.

Sarah and Rebecca Huggett were devastated when they lost their natural mother, Pamela, to breast cancer in 1994.

Last year the siblings faced yet more pain when stepmother Bridget died from the same illness.

Rather than brood on their misfortune, the girls and their father, Paul, were inspired by their tragic experiences to set up support group Cancervive.

Rebecca, 21, from Western Road, in Hurstpierpoint, said: "Me and my sister had no support. I guess I just needed someone on my wavelength to talk to."

Paul Huggett gave up work to become a full-time dad when Pamela passed away.

He said: "Back then people used to keep cancer quiet and there was no support for family and friends. It probably wasn't until six months into Pam's illness that someone actually asked me how I was.

"Even the second time around we still didn't get the support we needed. It's hard because friends and family are the ones that suffer. It's almost like we've got the cancer too as we're watching that person die.

"We really needed to talk to people in the same situation. Also, we didn't know there was financial help available.

"This is where Cancervive comes in."

The family plans to hold meetings for three different groups every three weeks at the Triangle Healing Centre in Cuckfield. Sessions will be held for friends and family of people who have just been diagnosed, terminal patients and the bereaved.

The first meeting will be held on April 22 at 7pm. Trained counsellors will be on hand to help with the meetings as well as solicitors and financial experts who will advise the bereavement group.

Eventually Rebecca and Sarah, 18, hope to set up a group for children too. Rebecca said: "I was 7 when mum died and I felt so alone. I went for counselling but all I did was sit and drew pictures. "Then when Bridget was diagnosed it was a case of 'for goodness sake, not again!'. Me and my sister realised there wasn't enough for kids so we hope to set up a group for children too."

Cancervive has received funding from Macmillan Cancer and family friend Keith Wigg set up their website free of charge.

Anyone who wishes to donate to Cancervive can send cheques made payable to Cancervive to 41 Western Road, Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex. BN6 9SU.

For more information call 0845 4386418 or visit

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