Promising a night of "lo-fi, anti-comedy and other annoying buzzword s***", Sitting On A Rug doesn't disappoint.

This is a show so charmingly lo-fi, Saunders sells his girlfriend's home-made badges in the interval.

The bill featured twitchy, resolutely middle-class comic Liam Mallone and the instantly endearing Richard Sandling.

While Mallone appeared anxious and went for the safe topics, the video-obsessed Sandling burst onto the stage with a proudly geeky, high-decibel re-enactment of a film-related argument.

The show was strongest when the three comics came together in the second half, exchanging witty anecdotes in the pub conversation you dream of gatecrashing.

At nearly three hours long it could do with some editing but when shows are this engaging, it would be churlish to stop them.