Protesters fighting plans for a lapdancing club were dramatically ordered out of a licensing meeting after a war hero refused to sit down and shut up.

Around 25 campaigners were in Worthing Town Hall's public gallery when veteran anti-sleaze campaigner Steve Stevens rose to his feet holding a piece of paper stating: "Say no to lapdancing".

He was immediately told to sit down by borough council licensing committee chairman, coun John Lovell, who then adjourned the meeting as security guards, who had earlier searched people's bags, ejected the public.

Mr Stevens had compiled a 600-name petition against plans for the club at Le Chic bar in Chatsworth Road, Worthing.

He had earlier warned the town would "burn in hell" if the club was granted permission to operate.

The meeting was later reconvened in the nearby Gordon Room, with the Press, but not the public, allowed in.

Mark Weeden, pastor of Worthing Tabernacle church, Chapel Road, who was speaking against the club, apologised for the behaviour of Mr Stevens, who was wearing his war medals and remained defiant outside the meeting.

His outburst was backed by fellow protester Raymond New, 68, of Howard Street, Worthing, who said: "We are here to make a public stand. Lapdancing is just the tip of the iceberg. If this is introduced all sorts of other things could be introduced."

Mr Weeden said: "Alochol plus erotic dancing will fuel the passions and appetites of males who are in these premises. The consequences of this are bawdiness, loudness and lewdness."

But Barry Wells, co-owner of the club, said many people supported the idea of a lapdancing club in the town.

He said there would be no fully nude dancing and no dancing in private rooms.

The meeting continues.