It is totally unacceptable to allow the French owners of Newhaven Port to close the access to the west beach sands and the breakwater.

This area has been used by the general public for untold number of years. There must be a right to continue using the beach.

If the English owned Dieppe harbour would we get away with such an act? I don't think so.

I have always been led to believe if a property is privately owned and in a state of dangerous disrepair to the public the council has the power to order the owners to repair their property.

Should the owners fail to do so the council can instruct contractors to carry out these repairs and reclaim any costs from the owners.

Is there an ulterior motive for closing the west beach? Some time in the near future, could this area become a development and the bay turned into a marina for the wealthy few? Come on Newhaven residents and council, get your act together and fight for the right to use the town's facilities.

If these developers, in league with the owner of the port, try to blackmail Newhaven, as it seems they are doing, let them pull out.

I am sure there are a dozen others lining up to take their place.

  • J Holman
    Gibbon Road