My council tax bill arrived this week and although the percentage increase was predicted, it's still a shock and an unwelcome increase of 4.1 per cent.

Brighton and Hove City Council does not have a record to be proud of.

Checking back over the past ten years, the increase is 120 per cent, or on average of 12 per cent per year, while actual inflation has ranged from 1.5 to 3.4 per cent.

It should also be noted that any suggestion that the increase is in line with inflation and therefore satisfactory should be considered against the fact that inflation is currently the highest it's been for the past ten years. We have suffered ten years of massive increases in council tax while inflation was at an all-time low.

We need a good number of years of below inflation council tax increases to redress the balance.

  • Peter Groves
    Cissbury Road, Hove