Police last night told the YouTube thug who filmed bloodied children fighting: "It's time to give yourself up."

The net is closing on the man who ordered kids to punch, kick and headbutt each other as national media followed up The Argus's exclusive exposé.

The Sussex Police child protection team, based at Crawley police station, is appealing for information to identify the children.

The Argus has offered £1,000 reward to anyone with information which leads to the successful prosecution of the thug who films the sickening scenes in a Crawley bedroom.

Det Sgt Richard Harris said: "My advice for the person who filmed this is to hand himself in but realistically he probably won't. The videos are horrible.

"One lad is clearly in a lot of distress and the other is being goaded into hitting him. We want to find the adult who is clearly orchestrating the events.

"We are grateful that The Argus has brought this to our attention, as this is a matter of serious public concern and we need to identify any children at risk from further abuse."

The videos appeared online six days ago and show two children, aged between ten and 12, battering each other with their fists in a room decorated in posters and teddy bears.

The boys are goaded on by the swearing cameraman, who orders them not to hug and says: "You're fighting like girls, fight properly."

The police were last night working with West Sussex County Council social services to identify the children.

But so far they have not been given any names.

Police said they need the help of YouTube to find the cameraman.

The videos have been removed from the website.

A spokesman for West Sussex County Council said: "The videos will be forwarded to the appropriate child care team to see if the children in the films are known to us.

"The welfare of children is paramount to our children and young people's services and if they are known to us we will take whatever action is appropriate."

Anyone with information should urgently call Sussex Police on 0845 6070999 quoting Operation Mellis or serial 424 of 26 March.

To view an edited version of the videos visit theargus.co.uk. andy.whelan@theargus.co.uk