Featuring lyrics like "she's a strawberry milkshake, she's as sweet as a peach" and "you were fitter in your MySpace picture", this gig was never going to be anything other than teen pop.

But Scouting For Girls sure know how to rock, too.

The Brighton Dome was jumping from the first song, right through to the encore - mostly thanks to the infectious energy of singer Roy Stride.

The band has been together for just three years but in that time has built up a dedicated fan base. Clad in striped hoodies and skinny jeans, nothing was going to stop the fans enjoying themselves as they bounced along to every offering.

Whether it was James Bond and the toe-tapping Elvis Ain't Dead, or the newer offerings and B-sides, these fans knew every word, note for note.

Stride bounced around the stage, unable to contain his excitement as his lyrics were screamed back at him by the adoring masses - never more so than during the finale of She's So Lovely.

He wasn't note-perfect but when is a live show note-perfect? He enjoyed himself and the fans certainly did, so who cares?