An 89-year-old war hero said he would be dragged kicking and screaming out of a meeting which will decide whether a town will get its first nude lap dancing club.

Veteran anti-porn campaigner Steve Stevens is banned from speaking during Thursday's council meeting which will be asked to rubber stamp the raunchy plans.

Mr Stevens said: "I suspect I'll have to be dragged out because I'm determined to have my say.

"A friend of mine is coming along who is also determined but is not allowed. She's a bit fiery too so things are going to get a bit hot."

The pair are not allowed to speak at the meeting because they are not on a list of registered speakers.

Only people who live in the immediate vicinity of the club are allowed to be on the list.

Mr Stevens, who has previously campaigned against porn shops in the town, has collected 600 signatures on a petition calling on Worthing Borough Council to reject the plans.

Mr Stevens, a World War II pilot, has previously claimed that Worthing would "burn in hell" if councillors allowed Liquid Lounge nightclub, Chatsworth Road.

The nightclub wants permission to have "tasteful" nude and semi nude lap dancing in its downstairs Le Chic room.

Chief among Mr Stevens' objections is his belief that women will be at risk from randy punters coming out of the nightclub having watched the shows.

He even claimed Worthing could be turned into a "mini Soho".

He said: "My concern is what sexually aroused, somewhat intoxicated men do when they leave the bar," said the war veteran.

"We have enough sexual assaults taking place in Worthing, without adding to that number by this form of sexual titillation.

"In Soho when even sober men are sexually aroused by going into the adult bookshops there are stairs next to many of them with prostitutes ready to relieve these men.

"These prostitutes maintain they are providing a service and saving women and children from being raped.

"I know the people of Worthing do not want us to become a mini Soho."

Liquid Lounge general manager James Lanz, defended the proposals, saying the lap dancing would be safe and policed by security staff.

He said: "We are aiming at the Adonis cabaret style show for ladies and tasteful nude and semi-nude dancers for men. This has worked well and trouble free in other towns.

"It will, of course, be run strictly for members only and for over18s, or possibly over21s."

The public meeting takes place at Worthing Town Hall from 10am.