In a parliamentary debate on post office closures held on November 29, Hove MP Celia Barlow is quoted in official records talking about the damage the closures would have on local communities.

"The very existence of small, independent traders binds the local community together," she said, adding: "Many local residents are senior citizens for whom an extended journey to the post office of even half a mile would be very problematic. It seems unfair that those with physical disadvantages or disability should be deprived access to what is seen by many to be an essential service."

If only Mrs Barlow's fine words had been matched by equally fine actions. But last week she and Brighton Pavilion MP David Lepper refused to support the Conservatives' call for no further post office closures. Instead, she meekly obeyed her party bosses and voted with the Government.

This was an opportunity for her to cast a vote on an issue directly affecting the lives of her constituents and she squandered it.

  • Peter Lilley, Salisbury Road, Hove