Ministers have admitted that government inspectors are building a secret database of homes with a pleasant view for the purpose of imposing even higher council tax bills after the completion of a revaluation exercise.

This exercise, it will be recalled, the Government claimed to have postponed indefinitely.

My superb view of the pylons nestling on the downs, as seen from my kitchen window, has recently been destroyed by Sky erecting a satellite dish at eye level and some ten yards from my window.

My protest to them, and to Brighton and Hove City Council, which collects and spends my council tax, fell on deaf ears. Sky didn't reply and the council's planning department told me there was nothing it could do and I would just have to live with it.

I am wondering, as my once unobstructed pleasant view of the pylons has been obscured by the equivalent of a black dustbin lid, will I see my council tax take a downward spiral after ministers complete their revaluations?

  • Dave Bonwick, Oakdene Close, Portslade