I am dreading summer. Street smokers have become a major issue in my life as I live opposite a pub.

Evening and weekend passing noise is not an issue and was expected. When I contacted the night noise nuisance team last year I was told that the street smokers issue was now a major part of their remit.

To go down the "complaint" route means keeping diaries, having noise measured and involvement from the team. This option is welcome but needs goodwill and as smokers are there because of legislation, they're unlikely to feel sympathetic or co-operative.

I don't have an issue with people smoking and believe we all have the right to make our own choices, providing it doesn't have a negative impact on others.

If the Government tells us seeing cigarette packets in shops has a bad influence on our kids, what about groups of people smoking in the street?

Is this also not a "public place"? I don't see why we can't have smoking pubs and bars where staff are smokers as well.

  • Sue Russell, Brighton