A one-month old fox cub found wandering around a garden has been returned to its den.

The cub was spotted in Seaford on Easter Monday before it was safely returned to its parents by volunteers from East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance Service (WRAS).

WRAS founder Trevor Weeks said: "This is our first cub of the season and he needed to be checked on and assessed to see whether he had been abandoned or just become impatient waiting for his mum."

The cub had strayed just 10 feet from the entrance to his den under a shed but as crows were diving at him the homeowners decided to pick him up and call for help.

Mr Weeks added: "This cub had a nice full stomach and was in good condition.

"Luckily the cub was just wandering around next to some bushes very close to where the entrance to the den was.

"I lowered my head so I could listen for any other noises coming from under the shed and, sure enough, I could hear the sounds of other cubs."

After a full examination the cub was placed by the entrance to the den and soon decided to join his siblings inside.

In a separate incident over the Easter weekend, Roger Musselle saved Snowflake the badger, baby squirrels Puddle, Gale and Storm, and rabbit Titch in his garden in Woodingdean, Brighton.