Hooligans who sparked trouble before and after a football match could be banned from going to games.

Violence flared in Brighton on Saturday between so-called fans of Brighton and Hove Albion and Swindon Town.

Police last night said they will be seeking to stop anyone found guilty of breaking the law from attending future games.

After the game, 40 officers armed with shields surrounded Brighton station to deal with a confrontation between two groups of men purporting to be supporters of the rival teams.

Missiles were thrown at officers and two men were detained for a short period to prevent the violence escalating.

Brighton Inspector Andy Kundert said: "We had a pre-planned operation in place from 11am for the football match.

"After the game there was an altercation close to Brighton railway station which was dealt with positively and swiftly.

"A few missiles were thrown at police officers but no one was injured.

"With assistance from the British Transport Police, officers escorted those not arrested on to trains out of the city to Burgess Hill, Lewes and London.

"In excess of 40 officers were involved, with many moved from their normal duties to deal with this incident."

The Railway Bell pub in Surrey Street was closed from 5.45 to 6.45pm while police brought the situation under control.

Pub manager Roy Edinburgh said: "The Swindon fans came in before and after the match and there was no trouble. They were as good as gold.

"They went outside and began chanting. Police asked us to shut the pub and get everyone out."

Before the game two men were arrested in Clermont Road next to Preston Park railway station.

Lee Bull, 43, of Ambrose Place, Worthing, and Maxwell Lydford, 20, of Goda Road, Littlehampton, have been charged with public order offences.

They will appear at Brighton Magistrates' Court on April 3. An Albion spokesman said: "Albion supporters pride themselves on an exemplary behaviour record, both at Withdean and away from home.

"It appears the events involving so-called Brighton and Hove Albion fans on Saturday were isolated ones, and it is not even clear if those involved were even intent on attending the match.

"Ever since our return to the Withdean the club has operated a zero tolerance policy on any supporter who is guilty of any antisocial behaviour.

"Any individuals caught in breach of that policy can expect strict sanctions from both the local police force and the football club."

Swindon Town were last night unavailable for comment.

Do you know what sparked the confrontation? Tell us below