The family of a little boy suffering from cerebral palsy has launched an appeal for a hi-tech scooter so he can play with his BMX riding friends.

Ten-year-old George Sleeth was born premature with the neurological disorder down the right side of his body and has no hip joints.

His parents Sophie Handscombe and Julian Sleeth were told by doctors that their son would never even be able to sit up alone because of his condition.

Ten years on, the schoolboy has stunned doctors by leading an active life.

But the youngster is now desperate for a £4,000 Segway scooter so he can enjoy playing with his friends.

Sophie and Julian are now trying to raise the money for the scooter by running the Edinburgh Marathon on May 25.

If you would like to sponsor Julian and Sophie visit Don't miss our London Marathon spread in Saturday's Argus.

Are you running the marathon on April 13? Tell us your stories by calling Siobhan Ryan on 01273 732254 or emailing