A bouncer was kicked in the head during a fight outside a pub.

Ken Dallaway was attacked after he intervened in a scuffle at a pub in Eastbourne town centre.

He had tried to break up a fracas inside the pub and dragged one of the brawlers outside on August 26 last year.

Adam Gibbons kicked Mr Dallaway in the head as he restrained the unruly customer on the pavement outside so that police could handcuff him.

Dianne Gordon-Bass, prosecuting at Hove Crown Court today, said Mr Dallaway suffered a cut inside his lip and bruises on his face and eyebrow.

Gibbons told police: "I only did it because I thought the bouncer was hurting him."

Gibbons, 25, of Pinder Road, Hastings, admitted common assault.

The father-of-one has a previous conviction for assault after he had been drinking at another pub in April, 2006.

Rebecca Upton, defending, said Gibbons has problems with depression and alcohol.

She added: "On a good day he will drink four to six cans of lager.

"On a bad day when he feels unable to cope he will drink 12 to 14 cans and some spirits.

"He has mental health problems and is unable to work and is on incapacity benefit as a result."

Gibbons was given a five month prison sentence suspended for 18 months.

He must also attend an alcohol treatment programme for six months.