On one of my regular visits to Cupcakes café in Buckingham Park near Shoreham, I was disgusted to learn the current leaseholder has been given a week's notice to vacate the premises in favour of Shoreham Rugby Club.

This café is a well-used amenity for all users of Buckingham Park and has been kept open 365 days of the year by the current leaseholder.

It has been a huge asset to the park, providing a welcoming place with good food.

The current leaseholder has done everything she can to provide for park users, e.g.

staying open in the evening for after-school activities. By opening later she has reduced vandalism in the park.

It would appear the rugby club are on a takeover spree. They already have two rugby pitches in a park which I understand was bequeathed to the people of Shoreham.

I question whether the café lease was even put out to tender, as it was in the first instance. According to the Shoreham Herald the rugby club will be providing hot meals for all their players after matches. By default this would eliminate use of the facility for other park users as the café could not possibly accommodate both rugby players and the public.

The current leaseholder has worked extremely hard to provide this excellent facility and the saying which springs to mind is: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

  • Margaret Wilson, Mile Oak Road, Portslade