In January last year my car was clamped by a private clamping firm in West Street, Rottingdean, even though I was parked on a public road and not on private property.

Despite the fact I have won a successful county court claim against the clampers, I have yet to receive a refund of the £134 it took to release my car and the clampers have ignored any correspondence from me or the court.

It seems to me that clamping companies can simply do what they like and that motorists have no form of comeback against them. Even with a successful court claim I am no closer to getting a refund and have, in fact, incurred more costs in making this claim.

I am sure I am not the first person to be unfairly clamped by this company and I will not be the last.

  • Rod Price, McWilliam Road, Woodingdean