Not many things will make a sober, middle-aged man dance.

But the joyous Never Forget had me on my feet, clapping and screaming like a teenage boy band fan.

The story of five losers from Manchester who form a Take That tribute band is cheesy, but is done with such warmth that it is impossible to resist its charms.

The fab five - the boyish Ash (Gary), the lanky Jake (Robbie), the geeky bank worker Adrian (Mark), the stripper Harry - all biceps and no brains - (Howard), and Spaniard José (Jason) pin their dreams on the band.

Their manager Ron (Teddy Kempner), all gut and smarm, inspires them with his mantra of "world ruddy domination".

The show has all the Take That hits you would expect, which the cast deliver in style, but is also packed with sharp jokes and slick dancing.

The cheeky Jake (Craige Els) makes the real Robbie Williams seem dull in comparison.

When José advises him, "by the light of the torch, there are no ugly women," Jake retorts, "after four pints, you don't need a torch".

But my daughter's verdict about what she liked most was simple - "the men".

The squeaky-clean Ash does the dirty on his mates and his girl-next-door fiancée, Chloe, when he is seduced by the lure of fame and fortune and delicious manager Annie ( Joanne Farrell).

But you know it's going to end happily.

The second half of the show is like a long music video and climaxes with the title song.

Everyone in this beautifully intimate theatre was on their feet clapping in unison.

You won't forget Never Forget in a hurry. Go and see it.