On Wednesday in Parliament, MPs had a real opportunity to show their feeling about the closures of post offices.

A motion calling on the Government to halt these closures came within a whisker of success.

If only ten more MPs had voted for the overwhelming wishes of their constituents instead of toeing the party line, this could have happened.

How distressing to see the names of David Lepper and Celia Barlow among those who voted for the continuance of these closures.

But of course, they don't have to queue for up to half an hour in WH Smiths Post Office in Churchill Square.

  • Richard Healey, St Margaret's Place Brighton

So, Gill Mitchell wants to waste our council tax money in an attempt to open a post office in the centre of Brighton (The Argus, March 17).

Why? Is she not satisfied with wasting money on insane traffic schemes - look at the way traffic lights are phased, causing unnecessary jams. The post offices that have been shut recently were losing money. There are still enough post offices left open.

Surely our money can be used more wisely on more important things such as police resources.

  • Simon Denton, Mill Rise Westdene