Described in The Dome brochure's Brighton Lives section as "truly unclassifiable", Zu Aerial Dance's latest production Red is just that.

While not being able to categorise an artform is often a compliment, in this case the lack of any clear direction was one of the many problems with this confused show.

Despite having aerial and dance in the company name, there was little of either.

What we got instead was poorly conceived physical comedy based on a concept which wore threadbare by the interval.

The framework for the piece was a lecture on performance delivered by two female choreographers, posh Sky (Hazel Maddocks) and wacky Jackie (Janine Fletcher).

The first half opened with a cringeworthy scene with the pair thrashing about to rock music while wrapping themselves in hanging red material.

It then relied on unnecessary nudity and amateurish slapstick to explore the themes of personality and seduction.

The second half saw this loose concept expanded way beyond it's potential as the show careered off any theatrical course and floundered around trying to score easy laughs.

The show was momentarily captivating during the final minutes, when the performers stopped trying to be funny and performed a striking and simple aerial vignette.