I was amused to read Brighton and Hove is a cycling demonstration town (Letters, March 8). I tried to follow the seafront cycle path recently, I could only conclude it was designed by someone with a rabid dislike of cyclists who wanted to put them off such a healthy pursuit.

The only good part of the route is when it runs along the promenade.

Unfortunately the lack of a sea breeze made this stretch alongside the main road one of the most unpleasant rides I have taken for a long time - I could taste the traffic fumes from the seafront congestion.

As a parent I certainly wouldn't take my children with their young and vulnerable lungs along this socalled cycle path.

If the Tories on the council genuinely are a green alternative, let's see them fix the seafront cycle path so it runs along the promenade away from the traffic and fumes. It would be a much more attractive route and I might then begin to believe the Tories offered more than just empty green soundbites.

  • J Harris, Portland Road, Hove