With regard to the recent article about Spike Milligan, it was the same lurid description of Spike who suffered from manic depression (The Argus, March 14).

However, it has to be said, what do the people interviewed really know about Spike other than what they have learned from other people?

Spike did not have a good relationship with "show biz" personalities, but a far better one with his old Army pals.

Spike was a sensitive man and a great family man but it is true to say he did not suffer fools gladly. He could be difficult with people he disliked.

However, a great deal of this was caused by the physical and mental injuries he suffered during the war.

I am now 91 years of age and it has been a great pleasure having had Spike as a close friend. He is sadly missed.

  • Reginald Bennett, Frant Road Tunbridge Wells