Detectives have launched a murder investigation after a woman was found dead in her own home.

The woman was found dead on the floor of her flat after neighbours heard screaming from the property.

She had suffered multiple injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Residents dialled 999 just before midnight on Saturday after hearing screaming from the flat in Godwin Court, on the Needles estate in Horsham.

When police officers arrived they found the front door of the flat open and the woman's body on the floor.

A man was inside the flat when officers arrived.

He was later arrested on suspicion of murder and was tonight being questioned by detectives at Crawley police station.

Sussex Police said they would not be releasing the woman's name until her family had been told of her death.

Today police forensic teams cordoned off the entire block of about 20 flats in Blackbridge Lane.

A forensics tent was set up outside one of the balconies.

Officers are expected to remain at the scene tomorrow while they gather evidence.

Police have not indicated a potential motive or explained how the woman died.

News of the death shocked residents living in the area.

Mother-of-three Kyliegh Butler lives behind the flats in Jockey Mead.

She said: "It's very shocking for this area. About ten or 15 years ago it was much worse but it's a lot more settled now.

"I'm shocked, especially as it seems to be a woman. It's very surprising. I didn't hear anything. In fact the first thing I knew about it was when I saw the police tape."

Another neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: "We thought everything had settled down round here. We don't normally get this kind of trouble. A long time ago round here was the place no one wanted to go. It's worrying."

The block of former council flats where the woman died is in the centre of a quiet estate of family homes to the west of Horsham town centre.

It is yards from St John's Primary school and close to a parade of shops.

About ten years ago the area was known to police as a trouble spot for violence and crime. Since then police have seen crime levels drop and it is a popular area for young families to live.