A national charity which helps disadvantaged children develop a love of reading has closed its Sussex office because of a lack of funds.

Volunteer Reading Help (VRH) closed its branch office at Hassocks last week.

Charity bosses say they have not been able to attract enough funding.

Charlotte Goodman, director of services for VRH, said: "The decision has been taken with great regret. Despite our best efforts we haven't been able to attract sufficient funding into this branch to ensure its ongoing viability.

"It was proving more and more difficult to get funding to close the gap between what it cost and the school's contribution.

"It's very disappointing for schools but even though we've had to withdraw VRH, lots of volunteers are going to stay in schools on an independent basis. This is a real testament to the commitment of our volunteers."

Volunteer Reading Help works to support children aged between six and 11.

The charity believes that without literacy skills children face a lifetime of social exclusion.

VRH trains adults to help children learn to read.

Has your child been helped by VRH? Tell us how below.