Two men leapt 50ft into a raging river, prompting a huge rescue operation.

The two men, both in their 30s, were pulled from the icy River Arun in separate incidents outside the Arun View pub in Wharf Road, Littlehampton.

Pub regulars ran out to the waterside twice as police, paramedics, the police helicopter and lifeboat crews battled to save the stricken jumpers from the river, the second fastest-flowing in the country behind the River Kent, in the Lake District.

Lifeboat crews from Littlehampton RNLI station were first called out at 8pm on Thursday after a man jumped from a footbridge.

He was rescued and taken to hospital suffering from hypothermia. He was yesterday being assessed by doctors in Worthing under the Mental Health Act.

The second man was rescued at about 11.20pm, a few hundred yards from the site of the first incident.

The man was taken to hospital by ambulance as a precaution but was uninjured. It is not known whether either man was suicidal.

Bob Rollins, from Littlehampton RNLI station, the incidents were unconnected and put it down to "pure coincidence".

He said: "We were called to two incidents within hours of each other. Both men had jumped into the river, although the cases appear to be completely unconnected.

"The current can be very strong in the Arun and it is a very dangerous thing to do.

"Although it is March, the temperature of the water is always two months behind so it would have been freezing cold."

Paul Crease, landlord of the Arun View, said: "We heard about the first one when someone saw police cars and ambulances outside.

"They pulled him out and thankfully he looked okay. One of my barmen was walking home later on and saw the other guy take off his jacket before jumping in, so he ran back to the pub and we called the emergency services.

"The last time I recall someone jumping from there was about four or five years ago. It's certainly not advisable as it is a big drop and the river flows extremely quickly."

Do you know either of the men? Were you drinking in the pub last night? Call The Argus newsdesk on 01273 544543 or leave your comments below.