Ian Harris's letter is accurate in its description of the way in which the people of this nation are being betrayed by their Government (Letters, March 18).

The United Kingdom's national identity and ability to control its own destiny are being eroded so insidiously by the "final solution to the British question" that the majority of the population don't quite understand how it's happening.

The polls which Ian Harris mentions make it clear there is an instinctive realisation on the part of the people of this country that in a continent of so many vastly different cultures and economic circumstances one size doesn't fit all.

That the common law devised by England and Scotland over many centuries should be subordinated to directives dreamed up by Brussels bureaucrats is an abomination.

The concept of a common market is fine. The idea of a United States of Europe is palpably grotesque. An opinion the population of this country would undoubtedly endorse if given a referendum.

  • Malcolm Blunt, Varndean Drive, Brighton