Architects have begun work on the next stage of a £40 million college rebuilding project.

Designs are being drawn up for the new look of Varndean College in Surrenden Road, Brighton.

The college revealed last month that the existing historic facade would have to be demolished to make the reconstruction possible.

It set out the basis of the proposals which include modern facilities built to a high level of sustainability at a series of public consultation meetings.

Principal Phil Harland said the response had been positive.

He said: "We had about 100 people come to see the plans and on the whole they were supportive, they listened to what we were proposing and gave some encouraging responses."

The project will be funded by the Learning and Skills Council, which is in the process of refurbishing colleges across Britain.

Mr Harland said one of the main concerns among visitors was car parking for the college. He said council regulations meant the plans could not involve any increase in the current level of parking but neighbours had issues about vehicles being parked on nearby streets.

The college has started a transport consultation.

Mr Harlands said the architects were working on designs for a facade which would be a fitting replacement for the current landmark appearance.

He said: "I haven't seen them yet but I know they appreciate the opportunity to create a new landmark."

The college plans to submit an application for planning permission in July.

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