An animal lover has been branded a hero after he scalded his hands to rescue his pet tortoises from their burning box.

Maurice Wheeler, 63, saved Doris and Dora when their hibernation home was engulfed in flames.

Last night wife Marina, 54, praised him for rescuing the tortoises, which are fighting for their lives at a veterinary clinic.

Mr Wheeler, of Kings Road, Southwick, was listening to the radio when the heat lamp above the animals fell into their box.

He rushed into his conservatory and put his hands into the fire to save the pets, leaving him with severe burns on his hands.

He said: "I heard a loud bag and we couldn't understand where it came from. When we went into the conservatory it was full of smoke.

"I picked moved Dora to the side with my foot and picked the box up to put it outside to stop it burning the place down.

"Then when I got the box outside I picked up Doris. The vet says things are looking good but we don't know for sure if she'll make it.

"I ran outside to grab them and managed to get in and out just as the green house was blown to the floor.

"This is the second close call we've had. During the storm of 1987 we had guinea pigs in the green house."

The flames were out by the time crews from Shoreham and Hove fire stations arrived at the home.

Father-of-two Mr Wheeler, who also has two rescued dogs, was taken to Worthing Hospital by a friend shortly after the fire at 7.30pm on Tuesday.

The tortoises were taken to Coastway Vets in Freshfield Business Park, Freshfield Way, Brighton, where they are being treated for burns and shock.

Vets are worried Doris's burnt shell could get infected and Dora has suffered injuries as a result of being exposed to smoke.

Mrs Wheeler said: "Maurice is a hero because the tortoises could have died and the whole place could have gone up in flames.

"Our bedroom is next door to the conservatory and if we were in there the backdraft would have smashed the glass window above our bed.

"It has been a stressful time because the whole conservatory needs redecorating but it could have been a lot worse."

Doris, who is about 20 years old, was originally collected from the RSPCA.

Dora, who is more than 30 years old, was found by daughter Rachel, 37, at Cowdry Park near Midhurst.