This year's City Reads festival focuses on the crime thriller A Place Of Execution by Val McDermid, the story of a missing child in a Northern town during the 1960s.

Brighton's Jubilee Library is hosting a free screening of an ITV adaptation of another of her Wire In The Blood novels, The Mermaids Singing, starring Robson Green and Hermione Norris, pictured.

The series, which follows criminal profiler Tony Hill, has made Val one of the world's best-selling crime writers .

This three-month progrmme of events began earlier in March and will conclude on May 17, when the author will visit the Corn Exchange as part of the Brighton Festival.

As the organisers say, "it would be a crime not to get involved". There will be a second screening at the same venue at 6.30pm on Thursday, April 10.

  • 10am, free. 100 minutes, certificate 15. Visit or call 01273 294071.