Charleston has been granted seven major new loans of work by one of its most famous artists, Duncan Grant, to mark the 30th anniversary of the painter's death.

The farmhouse was Duncan's home from 1916 until 1978 and the pieces will hang alongside Duncan's own collection in the interiors he helped to decorate.

A significant member of both the Vorticists and the Blommsbury group of artists, he made a vital contribution to British Modernism.

There will be a series of events throughout the year to commemorate the anniversary, including a talk in May from Richard Morphet, the keeper of the Tate's Modern Collection, who knew Duncan personally.

In July, leading critics and historians will be assessing the artist's importance. Sotheby's are sponsoring the display

  • Wed 11.30am-6pm, Thur 2pm-6pm, Fri 2pm-6pm, Sat 11.30am-6pm, 2pm-6pm, bank holidays 2pm-6pm. Last entry 5pm.
  • Entry on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday is by guided tour only. Tours are on a first come, first served basis.
  • House and Grounds: adults £7.50/£6.50 (concessions available Thur only), children (6-16 years) £5.50. Adults £3, children £1.
  • Call 01323 811265 or visit