Thousands of motorists could be expected to start paying to park outside their homes under sweeping new changes to the charging system.

A four-year timetable to introduce more controlled parking zones will tackle Brighton and Hove's most congested areas.

City council staff will consult with residents living in Hanover and Elm Grove, the London Road station area, Preston Park, West Hove and Portslade station over the next two years, asking them whether they would like residents' parking in their streets.

Consultations began in the Preston Park station, Stanford and Preston Park Avenue areas in April last year after pressure from ward councillors and people living near the station. Controlled parking zones should be in place by March next year.

Next month, the council will consult people living in the London Road station area and work could be completed by April 2010.

In Hanover and Elm Grove, the consultation with residents will begin in April 2009, with controlled zones in place by April 2011.

Those living in West Hove and Portslade will be asked whether they want a residents' parking scheme in the area in early 2010. If it goes ahead, it would be implemented by April 2012.

Charles Field, senior traffic manager at the council, said: "We started the parking survey from April 2007 and over a period of two years we carry out consultation work.

"These four areas are where we have had the most correspondence from residents where they want us to look at the parking problems.

"We get residents or councillors writing in or there may be areas where we know there are parking problems."

He said residents living on the boundaries of controlled parking zones faced major problems with congestion as motorists park outside the residents' parking areas.

He said: "There was huge demand for these four areas to be first. West Hove and Portslade residents said they did not want to wait past 2010."

At a meeting in January, councillors decided to employ consultants so that two major areas could be tackled at the same time. They are expected to be in place by August.

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